ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition 2017: The WinnersTop 3 Soundtracks chosen by Dennis S. Sands

The winners of the ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition 2017

The winners in the third edition of ADAM Audio’s Soundtrack Competition have been selected by Dennis S. Sands from over 3,500 contestants who composed a short soundtrack to match this picture by Charlie Davoli.

Picture by Charlie Davoli for the ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition 2017

“The response to this year’s soundtrack competition has been fantastic. It is great to see such a vivid worldwide community get creative in so many different musical ways. If you search #adamaudio and #soundtrack on Soundcloud or YouTube, you can literally find hours of well crafted soundtracks and the quality of the entries has never been higher.”, says Christian Hellinger, managing director of ADAM Audio.

And finally the waiting is over, here are the Top 3 entries, chosen and commented by Dennis S. Sands:

1st place (custom made pair of A8X): “The Wizard” by Fabien G.


Winner of the ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition 2017

“I found this composition to be most compelling utilizing a full range of skills for melody in orchestra and choir, as well as rhythmic elements.”

2nd place (a pair of A5X): “Nimbus” by Zaiaku

“I loved the modern approach to this composition. It really leaped out to me and connected well to the image.”

3rd place (a pair of A3X): “My son, my challenge” by Sam Oz


Winner of the ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition 2017

“Haunting and beautifully orchestrated. Also very well connected to the image as you could feel the weight of the ‘challenge’ depicted in the man holding the heavy object. I could feel his challenge in the music!”

Special Prizes

This year we are giving away additional special prizes for the soundtracks “Elevate” by Warriyo, chosen as an honorable mention by Dennis S. Sands (“Powerful, memorable, creative. Hard not to include this composition.”), and “SATURN” by Mixed Media Sound, the favorite piece of the team at ADAM Audio. The  soundtracks will each be rewarded with a pair of A3X studio monitors.


Winner of the ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition 2017
Winner of the ADAM Audio Soundtrack Competition 2017

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everybody for participating!

Dennis S. Sands on the Soundtrack Competition:

“Honestly the submissions were all excellent but these three (plus one) truly stood out to me. The rankings could easily be rearranged as they were all so different yet equally imaginative.”