Konrad Belina-BrzozowskiSculpting sonic environments for video games

ADAM Users

Embarking on his first electronic music adventure 16 years ago, Polish composer and producer Konrad Belina-Brzozowski now finds himself working on various video game projects, creating sound design and compositional elements.

Otherwise known as Lord Qiuu, the Polish video-game music expert and composer Konrad Belina-Brzozowski is far more than just an electronic music producer. While lecturing at the Warsaw Film School, Konrad also contributes to gamemusic, Poland’s largest website and magazine dedicated to video game soundtracks.

To date, Konrad’s biggest achievement within the world of video game composition was contributing towards 2020’s multiplayer adventure game, Lumberhill. Furthering his career trajectory in this field is something that the Polish producer is eager to do, along with establishing a brand new club orientated, electronic music project.

In the studio, Konrad uses the ADAM Audio T7V nearfield monitors that he acquired in 2020, which he recently outfitted with the T10S subwoofer. He also utilises the 5.1 configuration both while composing music and designing video game sounds. One such project he recently completed using this setup was for the supplementary music used in Anshar Publishing’s adventure game Gamedec, released in 2021.

“When combined with the T10S subwoofer, my setup is extremely useful for all kinds of electronic music composition and video game sound design,” Konrad says about the setup’s performance. “When used in tandem with the 5.1 setup, the T-Series ADAM Audio monitors are great for spatial playback, and strike a fine balance between price and quality.”


“When it comes to the ADAM Audio T7V, I especially like the U-ART high-frequency driver,” Konrad goes on to explain. “Like most ribbon tweeters, they boast a very clear spectrum range.” Konrad’s extensive background in production has seen him use a wide variety of studio monitors, including the previous F-Series and the A7X, allowing him to make such qualified comparisons.

The decision to add the ADAM Audio monitors to his studio setup was done primarily for two main reasons. First of all, after teaching at the Warsaw Film School for over five years, he had become accustomed to the ribbon tweeters’ high performance sound. The second reason was related to the affordability and value presented by the T-Series.

“It turns out, when I migrated my work to the 5.1, system I realized I could run high-quality, professional playback sessions without having to invest a fortune,” he explains about the new monitors.

With the 5.1 system Konrad has opened up a whole new world of sonic exploration. As a consequence, his video game contributions are becoming far more immersive, and with the ADAM Audio monitors, his everyday work is becoming far more efficient.

“The natural timbre and dynamics are sufficient for detailed work, while the 3D space is also very selective and intimate, and all while my ears are not strained with such high volumes.”