Tensor Delta exceeded all expectations!

Read this review on an ADAM Audio loudspeaker

Berlin, March 23, 2010

HiFi-Choice, a popular british trade magazine, swooped for ADAM´s Tensor Delta to review (Issue 329). The reviewer´s comments were as follows:

“We were impressed and surprised with the Tensor Delta. Surprised because we expected a big, slightly unsophisticated sound, which handled high-power levels well, but which might be a little lacking in some of the niceties that a thoroughbred speaker brings to the party. In fact the TD does handle power well, but it is also refined and well-behaved. The speaker sounds solid, but within reason it does so over a very broad range of volume levels. Part of this sophistication clearly comes from the tweeters, which […] have a natural synergy and common voicing. They‘re fast, assured, refined and finely detailed.

Result: It has the refinement and finesse of a good home loudspeaker, but one with all the panache and guts of its studio equivalent.”
(Alvin Gold, Hi-Fi Choice Issue 329)

The review can be found here