Lite Magazinreviews ADAM Audio S5V studio monitor


Volker Frech, writing for Lite Magazin, reviews ADAM Audio S5V main monitor and draws the following conclusion:

  • “All amplifiers in the S5V are isolated in their own cabinet chamber, so that amps and drivers don’t get in each other’s way. They are orchestrated by an elaborate electronic system so that they play together perfectly.”
  • “They also deliver what Adam promises: the music not only sounds excellent in a small sweet spot, but also in a wide listening zone.”
  • “No matter whether bass or melody: We hear every touch of Helstroffer’s finger, who seems to be sitting about two meters away from us. But we also experience the space in which the recording took place: If we close our eyes, the illusion that we are in the abbey church of the French monastery Noirlac is perfect.”
  • “They also deliver on Adam’s promise: the music not only sounds excellent in a small sweet spot, but also in a wide listening zone. The excellent definition of the S5V pays off especially when all the musicians play in the abbey.”
  • “The clarity and fine resolution with which we hear this is great! Godar’s frontal position and the positioning of his musicians is great on the S5V, the plasticity and depth is simply fantastic! Every detail of the instruments is reproduced when they are playing together.”

“The ADAM Audio S5V delivers with excellence what you would expect from a studio monitor in the living room: a neutral-precise, holographic sound image with great resolution, which develops every detail from the whole and makes it audible.”

The complete review in German can be read here.