F5 reviewed by Professional Audio (Germany)


Berlin, October 17, 2013

After having reviewed the F7 in its February issue, the german magazine Professional Audio was now intrigued by the smaller
F family model as well.
Please read here some excerpts of the F5 review that can be found in the magazine’s September issue.

“Soundwise it’s a real ADAM”

“Like the F7, the F5 wants to be a loudspeaker that for the low cost price comes reduced to its essence. The essence of course is the ADAM sound, which is produced substantially by the X-ART tweeters. The particular clarity in the treble that we cherish in our reference monitor, the ADAM S3X-H, is absolutely provided by the F5 as well.

“All in all the tuning of the midrange is well-balanced, the often heard overstressed range at cheap speakers between one and five kilohertz is missing, thankfully.

“The F5’s bass response is on a solid average level: The bass frequencies are reproduced with good impulse behaviour and are amazingly deep for such a small woofer without sounding artificially inflated.”

“In conclusion the F5 also convinced us in respect of spatial imaging. The representation of tonal depth in particular is very good, which makes working with reverb effects very convenient.”

“Low priced and really good – that’s the bottom line for the ADAM F5. Whether they are the first monitors for an ambitious beginner or a second pair of monitors for the experienced user: The F5 always cuts a fine figure.”

Harald Wittig, Professional Audio, issue September 2013

You can download the full review (in german) here.