The F-Series reviewed in FutureMusic's issue 274


Berlin, February 25, 2014

Jon Musgrave from FutureMusic magazine gave our F5 and F7 monitors a listen. Please read his verdict below that can also be found in FutureMusic issue 274.

“Studio monitors vary considerably in their sound, and one learns to adapt accordingly. But to me the F Series sound exactly as a monitor should, straight out of the box. Obviously there are differences in the delivery between the F5 and F7, most noticeably in the bottom end, but careful design means both models still retain a very consistent colour. On balance I prefer the F7, mostly because the scale of the delivery is bigger and they sound more capable at high levels. Even so, the F5 would be great for smaller rooms, and although I didn’t test the F-Sub, adding that to the set-up should work very well.

By shaving things here and there from their more expensive monitor designs, Adam have managed to deliver a genuinely budget speaker with totally non budget sound. Don’t be suspicious, these are truly excellent monitors for the money and without question should be on your audition list.”

Jon Musgrave, FutureMusic, issue 274

You can find the full review in our review section.