DJ Lab review: the ADAM Audio A8X
ReviewsADAM Audio’s A8X studio monitor achieved the maximum possible score in its recent review at the DJ Lab web site – a straight set of 10s, with no cons in the summary
DJ Lab checked out the A8X in detail and ended up recommending it “without reservation”. In their own words:
- “The results of my long listening tests are that the ADAM A8X sounds extremely uniform across its frequency response and reproduces bass, mids and highs very well. It has no problems when handling even extremely low frequencies and the highs never sound brash.”
- “The ADAM A8X is a great studio monitor, well suited to general music production. These are very uniform-sounding speakers with impressive bass reproduction and persuasive mids and highs too. I have to admit, I’m returning these speakers to the manufacturer with a heavy heart; I can recommend them without reservation.”
The complete DJ Lab review of the A8X can be read here (in German).