ARTist 5 reviewed by Audio Test magazine


Berlin, November 21, 2014

Under the heading ‘small format stereo’ the austrian magazine Audio Test took a closer look at several active home speakers, including the ADAM ARTist 5. Please read a short translated passage of this test below.

“The real strength of the acoustic transducers from the [German] capital, however, lies in the overtone range. Every little detail is captured here and converted one to one. […] Music of different genres find sufficient space for development in the openness of the ARTist 5. […] When it comes to dynamic behaviour this loudspeaker is also well-provided and it performs from the lowest up to high volumes with a good blend of clarity and feel. In Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 2 the brilliant performance of the entire Warsaw Symphony Orchestra during the fortissimo passage provides for plenty of goose bumps. Whoever believes precision and emotion can not be combined will be taught better by the ADAM ARTist 5.”

Audio Test, issue 07/2014

To download the complete article (in German) please click here.

For more ARTist 5 reviews please go to the review section.