ADAM Audio S3H reviewed by composer Jim Daneker

ADAM Audio S3H Studio Reference Monitor

Composer, producer, and arranger Jim Daneker was looking for new studio monitors and is fully convinced of ADAM Audio

Jim Daneker is a Nashville-based composer, producer and arranger who specializes in bold, evocative themes and soaring melodies and also provides high-end orchestral programming.

While searching for new studio monitors, he did put on a shootout and compared many high-class brands and speakers. After intensive listening sessions, Jim Daneker chose the ADAM S3H studio monitor as his favorite choice:

  • “There are details I could discern on the ADAMs that I couldn’t hear on other monitors anywhere near their price. And the real miracle to me is that the ADAMs provide all that detail without being at all harsh, ‘forward’ or fatiguing at all – they are exceptionally well balanced all across the spectrum.”
  • “The new S3H simply left my jaw on the floor. It takes everything I’ve loved about ADAM’s approach – especially that spacious and exquisitely detailed soundstage – and refines it to a whole new level of quality, craftsmanship and performance. It also gives me what I love about some truly stellar competitors, which incidentally are up to twice the price: a wide open and highly detailed midrange and solid, built-like-a-tank hardware. It’s really the best of both worlds, and considering the price, the S3H is a stunning value.”

Read the full review here.