A7X: High-End-Sound!


Berlin, June 16, 2010

The editors of the German Beat Magazin were anxious to make the aquaintance of the A7´s successor. They have done overtime to measure and listen very carefully to answer the question whether ADAM is able to again raise the bar with its A7X. Since with the introduction of the AX-Series the P-Series has been discontinued, the editors have decided to compare the A7X not only with its direct predecessor but also with the similarly high performing P11A.

“Those who esteem the ART tweeter will be delighted with the new X-ART model. In direct comparison to the P11A, ADAM has distinctively improved both the fine resolution and the impulse behaviour. The A7X sounds highly homogenous with a tendency towards brilliance… The mids are well defined and the crossover through the separating filter is scarcely audible. Also down to the bass range the box sounds very homogenous, although – due to the smaller dimensions – a subwoofer should support the lowest bass frequencies if required. Down to 80Hz the A7X sounds really very good. Below that we also found another clear improvement in contrast to the P11A, since the former modell tended to show some wind noises that have been tamed in the new model.

“Result: With the development of A7X, ADAM produced a worthy successor of P11A and A7!”
(Pascal Fehberger, Beat Magazin, 07-08/2010)

Read more in German.