Zappata and Partnerstrust in ADAM Audio

ADAM Users

Dott. Arch. Giuseppe Zappata trusts in ADAM Audio Speakers. He’s a renownded acoustic specialist and active in many fields of physics and acoustics:

• Diploma on “Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni” at “ Enrico Fermi” Istitute for Nuclear Physics of Rome.
• Degree Certificate in Architecture at “La Sapienza“ University of Rome with graduation thesis on Technical Physiscs and Installations.
• University Teacher of “building technics” in the updating courses in Technical Physics of Prof. Arch. Francesco Bianchi of University Roma Tre – Architectural Sciences and Planning Dept.
• Acoustic Consultant for the Italian Navy.
• Projects Specialist and teamwork Manager on high technological projects for Audio-Video-Recording, Entertainment, Residential.
• Member of Architects Professional Rank of Rome.

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