ADAM Audio Soundtrack-Wettbewerb 2016: Die GewinnerJake Jackson kürt Top-3-Soundtracks


Die Gewinner der zweiten Auflage des ADAM Audio Soundtrack-Wetbbewerbs wurden von Jake Jackson aus mehr als 4.600 Teilnehmern ausgewählt, die zu einem ausgewählten Bild von Gregory Crewdson einen kurzen Soundtrack komponiert haben.

„We were overwhelmed by the response to the competition with entries coming from all over the world. Just search #adamaudio on Soundcloud and you can hear the outstanding soundtracks which have been created with a lot of passion during this competition, “ sagt David Angress, Chairman bei ADAM Audio.

Das war der ADAM Audio Soundtrack-Wettbewerb 2016.

Hier sind nun die Top-3-Soundtracks, gekürt und kommentiert von Jake Jackson:

1. Platz (Sonderedition der A77X): „Thunder“ von „The Latest Son“


Jake Jackson: „I chose ‚Thunder‘ as my winning track as I liked that so much was squeezed into 30 seconds, the opening melody, then a second section different but engaging and powerful. And excellent use of the thunder as part of the music, really. Congratulations on an excellent job.“

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2. Platz (ein Paar A7X): „Realisation“ von Andreas Gajewski


Jake Jackson: „‚Realisation‘ really caught my ear. I love the chord progression and the orchestration, you are put right into the scene. Smashing!“

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3. Platz (ein Paar F7): „Time Rejection“ von Alban Brusson


Jake Jackson: “’Time Rejection‘ – A worthy third place. Again a nice use of two sections of music. Nice use of new and old sounds.“

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Auf Grund der vielen, tollen Soundtracks, die bei uns eingereicht wurden, haben wir uns bei ADAM Audio dazu entschiedenen, einen zusätzlichen Preis zu vergeben: Ein Paar F5-Monitore geht an „Mixed RecørdS“, dessen Komposition „Strike Strikes“ vom ADAM Audio-Team ausgewählt wurde.

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Gewinner!

Jake Jackson zum Soundtrack-Wettbewerb:

„I was really thrilled with the diversity and originality of the entrants. Very exciting to for me to hear such depth of imaginations. […]

In choosing the winners, I wanted a good telling of the story in the picture. I still can’t decide on my personal story, but the winning entries gave me that story and more. Not only that, I wanted a good melodic idea, an interesting orchestration and a good […] stereo mix, but also one that was interesting to listen to, and helped tell that story. […] It was about how the story was told through my ears!“